Our Bible Club is going wonderfully! We all enjoy it immensely! We continue to have new children stop in and others that come regularly! Most of the kids seem to enjoy it and listen quite a bit. They always enjoy song time in which they all sing very well and enjoy taking turns holding up the songs that Mom has written out. During lesson time most of them sit quite well and watch the felts and listen to the Dad and Mom as they teach. A few times they have had the privalage of Elianna doing a chalk drawing for them too.
They are all working on verse memorization. We have goal cards with about five verses on each that they are working on. When they finished the first one they also receive with there Certificate of Completion a BIBLE, which has been the big motivator for them! The first gaol card (Romans 3:23; 6:23; 10:10, John 1;12; 20:31) has been competed by six of the children all sence the beginning of the year. We haveWe all enjoying working with them as they memorize their verses. They are all so different; some have a harder time memorizing and others can do several verses a day. We have one girl who was telling me one day that the reason that her goal card was so rinkled was because she falls asleep working on her verses so the paper got a bit worn out. But what better why for her to fall asleep reading the Word of God!
Dad presentingperesenting Ajay and Mikayla with there Certificate of Completion and Bible.
Mikayla with her certificate and Bible!!!
They often call Dad the "Trust Jesus Guy" as this is what he wares to club!
The Wise Man and the Foolish Man lesson.
Elianna chalking during the lesson!
The finished product!
Ok, yes we do wear them out at Bible Club! Oh, well, the truth is they were having rolling contest down they hill.
The kids here are little monkeys!
L to R is Malachi, Matthew, Ezra, Mercy, Elianna, Felicity.
Mom working on verses with some of the new kids!
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